« Traditional values » versus freedom of information

8 Mai 2013 § Poster un commentaire

Op-Ed published on the Huffington Post, September 24th, 2012

Do political leaders and journalists have the right to blame the author of the nonsensical B-grade film Inimages-1nocence of Muslims for the ensuing violence and destructive wrath of the fundamentalists? Should they denounce the provocative actions last week by the French magazine Charlie Hebdo when it published new Muhammad caricatures?

Conciliatory statements have been made to try to douse the flames. Deploring the « excesses of free speech » may be a wise move tactically but, in the long term, it jeopardizes freedom of information, which is a prerequisite for political, economic and social development.

In 2011, the owner of a Pakistani newspaper was shot dead for opposing the country’s blasphemy law. InBangladesh and Afghanistan, journalists have been threatened and imprisoned for the same alleged offense. Tomorrow we shouldn’t be forced to consider censoring the work of journalists merely to avoid enraging fundamentalists.

If everyone imposed their own taboos, journalists would be reduced to commenting on the weather. « Lire la suite »

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Entrées taguées freedom of information sur Christophe Deloire.